33rd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA)
13-15 December, Catania, Italy
Call for Papers
Track chair: Ans Kolk, University of Amsterdam Business School, The Netherlands
This track solicits papers on the whole range of topics related to the governance of multinational corporations (MNCs), and to the social, ethical and environmental dimensions/impacts of international business. This also covers MNCs’ interactions with and responsiveness to stakeholders broadly defined (thus including e.g. shareholders, governments, employees, NGOs). We also encourage submissions on MNC responsibilities, strategies and behaviour in relation to global issues such as poverty reduction, global health, human rights, outsourcing/offshoring, climate change, disaster relief. This track particularly invites papers on the following issues:
Submissions should be electronic. Please follow the instructions on the website www.fscpo.unict.it/eiba2007. Participants are invited to submit paper or panel proposals no later than 15 July 2007, to this or one of the other nine tracks (for an overivew, see the website; there you will find all important information and instructions). Submissions by fax, mail or E-mail are not accepted.